Monthly Archives: February 2018

What type of colour information do designers want?

In this study we were interested in which type of colour information designers want. We carried out surveys and interviews (with senior designers and brand managers) and the results are summarised below:

We used a card-sorting technique in our interviews to ensure that the participants knew what each of our terms meant.

We found that colour meaning was one of the aspects of colour that designers would like to be able to put their finger on; it was more important that colour trend information in fact! We also looked some existing colour tools and found that none of them really offered the most important information that designers and brand managers want to know about colour. What would be really cool would be a tool that provided accurate information about the meanings that colours have in different cultures and perhaps in different contexts.

The full paper will shortly be published in Color Research and Application.

Won S & Westland S, 2018. Requirements capture for colour information for design professionals, Color Research and Application.

The full publication details will be added here when they are available. Meanwhile, you can read it here.