Category Archives: design

automatic extraction of colour palette from image

I just came across another interesting colour site –

This site provides a free service – you can upload an image and the site will extact a colour palette from the image (you can specify how many colours you wish to extract). Palettes are notated in hex codes and RGB values.

I just tried with with one of my images and chose to extact three colours; the result is shown below:



If you want to use a photograph as an inspiration for interior design, for example, you can write down the RGB values and then go to – this site allows you to convert RGB values into commercial paint codes.

software aids colour design for colour blindness

In a previous post I talked about colour blindness and the possibility of using coloured lenses to improve colour discrimination for suffers of colour blindness –

The task of designing images or copy that are legible to colour-blind users is a major concern in design. In the past I have used websites that allow you to submit an image or even a whole website and a simulation of how it might apear to a colour-blind viewer would be produced. Today I came across a really great tool called Color Oracle – see This tool is free to download and runs on Windows or Mac systems. Once installed it runs in your system tray and allows you to simulate various colour-blindnessc conditions. The software is free to download and claims to use the latest algorithms for simulating colour-vision impairments.  Below is one of my images and a simulation of how it would appear to someone with tritanopia.


Colour names affect consumer buying

Have you ever wondered why, when you look at a rainbow, you see distinct bands of colour? You may see red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (though more likely you will not be able to distinguish between indigo and violet). We know that the wavelength of light in the visible spectrum – – varies smoothly and continuously, so why don’t we see a smooth and continuous colour spectrum? Why do we see distinct colour bands?


In my opinion the reason we see bands is because of something called categorical perception. We tend to want to group things that we perceive together into one class or another. But this grouping is not just a matter of putting things into boxes; it has an impact on how we perceive those things. We see categorical perception everywhere – indeed, I have often wondered whether even the periodic table of chemical elements is a true and accurate representation of how the world is or whether it stems from our categorical perception.

A recent study by Skorinko at the University of Virginia and colleagues at Rice University (published in Psychology and Marketing, 2006) finds that consumers have a more positive reaction to products whose colours are given rather exotic and flashy names such as mocha compared with the same products that are given plainer and genric names such as brown.


 And how is that linked to the early statements I hear you ask (even though you asked very quietly)? Well, the authors hypothesise that the reason for the improved consumer reaction to the fancy colours is …. categorical percetption. The fancy names stimulate a more positive category than their plainer alternatives. It is also suggested that more ambiguous descriptions (mocha as opposed to brown, for example) yield higher consumer acceptance and safisfaction. I cannot resist finishing this blog with the last line from the paper by Skorinko et al. (2006) who write:

Indeed, the judgement of “that we call a rose” seems to be influenced by its name (Shakespeare, 1595). 

colour and brand loyalty

I’m on the way to a dental conference in Houston to speak about tooth whitening. So with a few hours to kill in Philadelphia airport I am taking the time to read Martin Lindstrom’s Buyology –


He describes an experiment that he conducted where he invited 600 women into a room and presented each of them with a blue Tiffany’s box. Their heart rates were being measured and they went up by 20% when they received the box. The interesting thing is, the women never even saw the logo. Just seeing the colour – and the presumed association of that blue colour with the Tiffany brand – was sufficient to excite them. Indeed, the book describes a study by Seoul International Color Expo that showed that colour increases brand recognition by upto 80%. Interesting ….