Over the last year or two I have not posted as often to Colourchat as I would have liked. I have posting here for over ten years believe it or not. There are a number of reasons why I have been less active here just lately. One is that I have posted a lot on quora. And my posts on quora get more views than my posts on my own blog. And it is always nice to reach more people. On quora I don’t just write about colour. In my top-4 most read posts there one is about whether you need to be intelligent to get a PhD and one is about blindfold chess.

It’s slightly mad that my post about the attributes needed to undertake a PhD has about 1.2 million views – that is about 1.2 million views more than my most-read academic paper.
I have also been very busy over the last year working on a new book with Maggie Maggio. More of this later, but you can see the book here.
But another project I have been quite busy with has been The Colour Literacy Project. We started meeting before COVID actually and we all share a frustration that there is quite a lot of misinformation out there about colour. And a lot of people have misconceptions. At the end of the day, colour education leaves quite a lot to be desired in my opinion. So I am really happy to share the Colour Literacy webpage on colour misconceptions. You can see this here.

My contribution to the misconceptions page is actually rather minor. There are others in the Colour Literacy Project who have made much more valuable contributions than me. But the most important thing is that this page exists. It is, in my opinion, a brilliant teaching resource and I will certainly be directing my students to it when teaching starts this autumn at University of Leeds. Please take a look at it. Let me know if you agree with the misconceptions or if there are any misconceptions that you have come across that are not yet listed.